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MDP00020A0A015ICA1_RHIIWMed8HeadRhizophagus irregularis (strain DAOM 197198w) (Glomus intraradices)
MDP00021A0A015K5U3_RHIIWMed14TailRhizophagus irregularis (strain DAOM 197198w) (Glomus intraradices)
MDP00022A0A015KCT1_RHIIWCycCKinaseRhizophagus irregularis (strain DAOM 197198w) (Glomus intraradices)
MDP00023A0A015LNJ5_RHIIWMed27TailRhizophagus irregularis (strain DAOM 197198w) (Glomus intraradices)